Dan Blied just began a series on Old Testament Survey during our 9:30 AM Sunday School Hour. This series is providing an excellent and exciting overview of the Old Testament. Last Sunday he explained the difference between LORD and Lord in the translations plus a whole lot more.
Our pastor, Jerry Elwell, is preaching through the Gospel of John! He is still in chapter one, so please join us for excellent teaching from the Word of God. Jerry preaches verse by verse in a style called expository preaching with a goal to edify the saints and help us in our Christian growth.
Two of our members, Janet Steel and Linda Blied, will be heading to Nepal tomorrow, February, 15th, for a short term mission's trip with Restoring Hope Nepal. This mission rescues women from the sex trade, teaches them the gospel, plus teaches them an occupation, hygiene and other necessary skills to be successful in their Christian walks and to earn a living.
Our next men's breakfast will be on February 24, at 9:00 AM at Grace Gospel Fellowship. Please join us for a delicious breakfast and a special time of fellowship and instruction as we discuss chapter 7, Discipline of Devotion from the book by Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man.
Our Wednesday evening service is held at the Howard's home at 6:30 PM. Paster is teaching a series on the Parables, plus we have a time set aside for prayer. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like directions.
Grace Gospel Fellowship holds two Sunday morning services. Our Sunday School hour begins at 9:30 AM. Dan Blied will be teaching a series on Old Testament Survey starting February 11, 2024. Our second service, at 10:45 AM, is a traditional worship service with singing of hymns, prayer, reading of Scripture, a sermon, plus communion on the first Sunday of every month. Pastor Jerry is teaching through the Gospel of John. On the first Sunday of most months, we also host a fellowship dinner. All our services are integrated services. That means children are welcome to fellowship with us. We have a downstairs changing room and an upstairs nursery available, when parents need to take their children out for part or all of the service.
Allan and Lorraine Knowles were in our services on Sunday, September 25, 2022. They live in an area with a very high crime rate and political corruption. Many churches are pastored by untrained men, steeped in false doctrine and unbiblical interpretation techniques. For many years, Allan has been training men for the work of the ministry, by hosting Bible schools in various communities, equipping men to know and exegete Scripture soundly. We are always blessed when they come.
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